Sample Collection and Preparation

To ensure the highest quality and most reliable results, it is crucial to provide a high-quality sample.​

​Depending on the panel you choose, different types of samples should be provided.​

​For our genosmart DX SOLID panels, we accept formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens, including cut slide specimens​.

  • Use standard fixation methods to preserve nucleic acid integrity. 10% neutral-buffered formalin for 6–72 hours is industry standard. DO NOT use other fixatives (Bouins, B5, AZF, Holland’s). ​
  • Do not decalcify. ​

Sample Size

  • We accept FFPE blocks accompanied by a H&E stained slide​
  • 10 unstained 5µm slides accompanied by a H&E stained slide with at least 25 mm2 surface area​
  • We accept purified DNA as well. The DNA amount should be 500 ng (min. 10 ng/µl).​

Tumor content

  • Ideal tumor content is >30%​
  • We provide validated results >20%
  • Successful sequencing and analysis are possible below 20% tumor content, but in these cases, we cannot guarantee the reproducibility of the results​.

For our genoSmart DX – Plasma panels we, accept properly collected and stored peripheral blood plasma specimens.​

Accurate analysis of cell-free DNA requires proper collection techniques and handling of the sample. Failure in these can compromise results by diluting cell-free DNA with DNA from white blood cell lysis.​

Sample collection tubes

  • We accept peripheral blood drawn in STRECK DNA BCT tubes (Cell-Free DNA BCT RUO & CE | Streck) or PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tubes PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tubes (100) (​.
  • Please follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer​.
  • For each PLASMA panel, ideally 2 tubes (8.5 ml sample / tube) are needed for successful ccfDNA isolation​.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Temperature is important. Keep at room temperature (39-95°F, 4-35°C). DO NOT FREEZE.​

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genosmart DX PRODUCTS

Breast or Ovary
All Cancer