genosmart DX Breast Cancer SolidDNA-14

genosmart DX Breast Cancer

The therapy-focused hotspot panel for breast cancer

Useful for

The DB-DNA-BreastCancer-Solid14 Panel is a targeted resequencing assay for the analysis of hotspots in 14 genes with known relevance to breast cancer therapies. The following 34 hotspot mutations of the 14 breast cancer-related genes are monitored: AKT1 E17K, ANK3 E1083, CDH1 Q23*, EGFR E709, EGFR G719, EGFR S720, EGFR del K745-N750, EGFR L585, EGFR L861, FGFR1 K656, HER2 G309, HER2 S310, HER2 L755, HER2 D769, HER2 V777, HRAS G12, HRAS G13, HRAS Q61, KRAS G12, KRAS G13, KRAS Q61, MET T1003, PIK3CA E542, PIK3CA E545, PIK3CA H1047

Speciment type requirements

50 ng (min. 5 ng/ul) purified DNA from FFPE or frozen tumour samples

Required information

DNA concentration and tumour ratio

Clinical interpretation

Targeted cancer therapies are defined as antibody or small molecule drugs that block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific cell molecules involved in tumour growth and progression. Multiple targeted therapies have been approved for treatment of specific cancers. Molecular genetic profiling is often needed to identify targets amenable to targeted therapies and to minimize treatment costs and therapy-associated risks.


This test cannot differentiate between somatic and germline alterations. Additional testing may be necessary to clarify the significance of results if there is a potential hereditary risk. DNA variants of uncertain significance may be identified. A negative (wild-type) result does not rule out the presence of a mutation or rearrangement (fusion) that may be present but below the limits of detection of this assay. Rare polymorphisms may be present that could lead to false-negative or false-positive results. Test results should be interpreted in the context of clinical findings, tumour sampling, and other laboratory data. If results obtained do not match other clinical or laboratory findings, please contact the laboratory for updated interpretation. Misinterpretation of results may occur if the information provided is inaccurate or incomplete.


If you have prepared your own libraries, but you do not want to invest to a next generation sequencer or you want short TAT with low cost, use our sequencing capacity



If you prepared and sequenced your samples, but want to have an accurate and in depth, fully annotated analysis with help in therapeutic decisions use our bioinformatics service
